Use of the website

TecnoCientifica SA, doing business as TecnoCientifica, hereby authorizes you to copy materials published by TecnoCientifica on this website solely for non-commercial use within your organization in support of TecnoCientifica products. No other use of the information is authorized. In consideration of this authorization, you agree that any copies of these materials that you make will retain all copyright and other proprietary notices in the same form and manner as in the original. Except for what is specified above, nothing contained herein shall be construed as an implicit concession of any license or right under any patent, trademark or copyright of TecnoCientifica or any third party. You may not modify the materials on this website in any way. You may not reproduce, display, publish, transmit, distribute or use in any other way the materials on this website for public or commercial purposes. For the purposes of these Terms, any use of these materials on any other website or networked computing environment for any purpose is prohibited.

All the contents of this website are protected by copyright. Except for what is specifically permitted here, no part of the information on this website may be reproduced in any way, or by any means, without the prior written permission of TecnoCientifica.

Compliance with laws :

By using this website, you agree to comply with any and all applicable local, state, federal, and foreign laws, orders, rules, and regulations in connection with the sale, shipment, or use of the products described in the order or on the website, including, without limitation, export control laws and / or regulations. You agree that no technical data will be exported from Argentina, nor will it be re-exported or disclosed to any foreign citizen, nation, company or country, including foreign citizens employed by you or associated with you, without meeting all the requirements to obtain a license from export, if applicable. You agree to first obtain the written consent of TecnoCientifica before submitting any request for authorization to export any of these technical data. You will indemnify and hold TecnoCientifica free from all liability for all claims, lawsuits, damages, costs, fines, penalties, attorney’s fees, and all other expenses arising from your breach.


You assume full responsibility and risk for your use of the website. Provided that the jurisdiction in which the user is located allows the exclusion of implied warranties, no warranty of any kind, express or implied, is offered, including, but not limited to, implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose. , or non-infringement with respect to proprietary materials. User accepts proprietary materials “as is”.

TecnoCientifica also does not guarantee the accuracy and integrity of the materials on this website. TecnoCientifica may make changes to the materials on this website, or to the products and prices described in them, at any time and without prior notice. The materials on this website may be out of date, and TecnoCientifica makes no commitment to update the materials on this website. Information published on this website may refer to products, programs or services that are not available in your country. Consult your local TecnoCientifica distributor for information on the products, programs and services that may be available to you.


In no event will TecnoCientifica, its suppliers or other third parties mentioned on this website be responsible for any consequential, indirect or incidental damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, those resulting from loss of profits, loss of data or interruption of the business) arising from the use, the inability to use or the results of the use or reliance on this website, or any claim attributable to errors, omissions or other inaccuracies on the website, whether based on warranty, contract , the tort or any other legal theory and whether or not you are advised of the possibility of such damages.


If your use of the materials or information on this website results in the need for service, repair or correction of the equipment or data, you bear all costs of the same. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

The trademarks, logos and service marks that appear on this website are the property of TecnoCientifica or other third parties. Nothing in this website should be construed as a concession of license or right to use any of said trademarks without the prior written permission of TecnoCientifica or said third party owner.

Use of Software (“Software”)

If you download the Software from this website, your use of the Software is subject to the license terms in the Software License Agreement that accompanies or is provided with the Software. You may not download or install the Software until you have read and accepted the terms of the Software License Agreement.

Use of manuals and other documents (“publications”)

The publications are subject to the condition that they will not be loaned, resold, rented or distributed in any other way without the prior consent of TecnoCientifica in any form of binding or cover other than that of the publication. The publications are intended for those who use and operate TecnoCientifica products (“Clients”). Publications can be stored on the Client’s computer and printed in quantities sufficient for Clients. No part of these Publications may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopies, recordings, or stored in a retrieval system, without the written permission of TecnoCientifica, José Pascual Tamborini 3573, 1430 Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. The publications are not intended for resale.

Changes may be made periodically to these posts. TecnoCientifica can make improvements and / or changes in the products and / or programs described in these publications at any time without prior notice. Furthermore, any TecnoCientifica publication may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

If you have any questions about the terms of this Website User Agreement, please contact us.