Quality Control System:

Continuous Process Monitoring

The importance of monitoring the production line online

The evolution of the manufacturing industry and the need to produce more and more food for the world, has led most plants to grow in their volume of raw material processing.

Whatever the field, the speed of the process has increased significantly and a lot of time is wasted in taking samples at an accessible point in the plant, and then taking them to the laboratory for analysis. On the other hand, it is not easy to organize the logistics, as it depends on the availability of personnel and the accessibility of checkpoints. Conclusion: very few daily checks end up being carried out.

One hour of delay in the result of a punctual analysis of production WITHOUT control, represents several tons of product that “already passed”. If the result was wrong, it’s ALL loss. On the contrary, if it were instantaneous, on-line and automatic, with numerical and graphical display on the production room screen, it would become an ideal tool for taking corrective actions and minimizing losses.

The universe of application is very wide.

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for the solutions we can offer you with our system



Benefits of the ONLINE monitoring system

  • Time savings due to elimination of manual sampling by operators
  • Numerical and graphical display on the production room screen
  • Possibility to take corrective actions in the process
  • Minimize potential conflicts due to being out of specification
  • Economic optimization of the process: Product loss factors are eliminated in undesired flows. Example:
    • Excess Fat in High Protein Flours
    • Decreases the desired concentration of Protein in the Flour.
    • Fat is lost in the Flour that is not converted into Oil: U$S/ton 900 vs U$S/ton 450

Our exclusive Fiber Optic Switching system, designed by us, is in charge of distributing the signal coming from the different sensors to the spectrometric unit, allowing the use of only 1 (one) spectrometer to control up to 12 remote measurement points with a single central unit.

This gives the system an optimal cost/benefit ratio.


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